Presentation schedule

※ Click on the name of the speaker and you can access the profile of each speaker and the abstract page.

 April 13, 2019(Saturday)

11:00~                                   Start accepting


13:00~13:05   (   5 min) Opening remarks: President Takuya Takakaki


13:05~13:50   ( 45 min) oral design lectureMakoto Morita

                                                  "Do one best for a Smile "

13:50~14:10   ( 20 min) Next Generation Lecture(Jaapn)Tomoyuki Hashinaka

                                                   “Framework Design for Proper Midline and Incisal Position and Porcelain Application”

14:10~14:30   ( 20 min) Next Generation Lecture(Taiwan):Wei chih Cheng

                                                  “Reconstructions in the Esthetic Zone”

14:30~14:45   ( 15 min) Break time

14:45~14:55   ( 10min) Product introduction( HASS )


14:55~15:15   ( 20 min) Next Generation Lecture(Japan)Kenichiro Hikawa

                                                  “Harmony of Gingiva and Prosthesis: Selection of Form and Porcelain Powders”

15:15~15:35   ( 20 min) Next Generation Lecture (Korea)Youngbin Lim

                                                “Clinical Cases by Collaboration”

15:35~16:20   ( 45 min) oral design lectureKenji Uchiumi

            “Pursuit of Simplicity”

16:20~17:05   ( 45 min) oral design lecture:Luke Hasegawa

                                                  ”My porcelain build up technique using CREATION porcelain. ”

17:05~17:10  (    5 min) Q & A session

18:00~20:00 ( 120 min) A social gathering



April 14, 2019 (Sunday)

08:30~                                   Start accepting

09:30~10:15   ( 45 min) oral design lectureTesturo Kubo

                                                  "A biological approach to restoration design "

10:15~10:35   ( 20 min) Next Generation Lecture(Japn)Ryusuke Otaka

                                                  “A Perspective in Tissue Management for Ideal Free Gingival Margin”

10:35~10:55   ( 20 min) Next Generation Lecture (Korea)IL Ki Ricky Lee

                                                 ”Fabrication of natural looking restoration by reproducing the correct surface textures and lestres.”

10:55~11:40   ( 45 min) oral design lectureTakashi Takizawa

             Creating Emergence Profile & Color 

11:40~12:25   ( 45 min) oral design lecture Naoki Aiba

                                                  "DENTSCAPE: Dental Photography for Dentist-Laboratory Communications"


12:25~13:40   ( 75 min) Lunch time

13:40~13:50   ( 10 min) Product introduction (Renfelt)


13:50~14:10   ( 20 min) Next Generation Lecture(Japan)Toshihisa Minesaki

                                                 “The Key Consideration to Determine Anterior Restoration Form”

14:10~14:30   ( 20 min) Next Generation Lecture(TaiwanChien Hsun chen

                                “New Insights into Light and Color”

 14:30~15:15   ( 45 min ) oral design lectureYasuhiro Odanaka


15:15~15:35   ( 20 min) Break time


15:35~16:20   ( 45 min) oral design lectureWill Geller

                                                「oral design」

16:20~16:30  (  10 min) Q & A session

16:30~16:35     (    5 min)    Closing remarks